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Join the conversation. These range from beginner to expert. Most are free but some cost money. Check them out to add to your own hacking toolkit! Burp Suite : The quintessential web app hacking tool.
Once you hit reputation on HackerOne, you are eligible for a free 3-month license of Burp Suite Pro! Check out these awesome Burp plugins:. Designed to add minimal network overhead, it identifies application behavior that may be of interest to advanced testers. BurpSentinel : With BurpSentinel it is possible for the penetration tester to quickly and easily send a lot of malicious requests to parameters of a HTTP request. Not only that, but it also shows a lot of information of the HTTP responses, corresponding to the attack requests.
It’s easy to find low-hanging fruit and hidden vulnerabilities like this, and it also allows the tester to focus on more important stuff! Autorize Burp: Autorize is an extension aimed at helping the penetration tester to detect authorization vulnerabilities—one of the more time-consuming tasks in a web application penetration test. Flow : This extension provides a Proxy history-like view along with search filter capabilities for all Burp tools. Headless Burp : This extension allows you to run Burp Suite’s Spider and Scanner tools in headless mode via the command-line.
In addition to logging requests and responses from all Burp Suite tools, the extension allows advanced filters to be defined to highlight interesting entries or filter logs to only those which match the filter. After performing normal mapping of an application’s content, right click on the relevant target in the site map, and choose “Scan for WSDL files” from the context menu.
The extension will search the already discovered contents for URLs with the. The results of the scanning appear within the extension’s output tab in the Burp Extender tool. JSParser : A python 2. This is especially useful for discovering AJAX requests when performing security research or bug bounty hunting. Knockpy : Knockpy is a python tool designed to enumerate subdomains on a target domain through a word list. It helps penetration testers and bug hunters collect and gather subdomains for the domain they are targeting.
Sublist3r enumerates subdomains using many search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu and Ask. During recon, this might help expand the target by detecting old or deprecated code. Wpscan : WPScan is a free for non-commercial use black box WordPress security scanner written for security professionals and bloggers to test the security of their sites. Webscreenshot : A simple script to screenshot a list of websites, based on the url-to-image PhantomJS script. Unfurl : Unfurl is a tool that analyzes large collections of URLs and estimates their entropies to sift out URLs that might be vulnerable to attack.
Httprobe : Takes a list of domains and probes for working http and https servers. Meg : Meg is a tool for fetching lots of URLs without taking a toll on the servers. It can be used to fetch many paths for many hosts, or fetching a single path for all hosts before moving on to the next path and repeating. Inspired by Tomnomnom’s waybackurls. Dirsearch : A simple command line tool designed to brute force directories and files in websites.
It helps you find the security vulnerabilities in your application. Subfinder : Subfinder is a subdomain discovery tool that discovers valid subdomains for websites by using passive online sources. It has a simple modular architecture and is optimized for speed. Subfinder is built for doing one thing only – passive subdomain enumeration, and it does that very well. EyeWitnees : EyeWitness is designed to take screenshots of websites, provide some server header info, and identify any default credentials.
EyeWitness is designed to run on Kali Linux. It will auto detect the file you give it with the -f flag as either being a text file with URLs on each new line, nmap xml output, or nessus xml output.
The –timeout flag is completely optional, and lets you provide the max time to wait when trying to render and screenshot a web page. Nuclei : Nuclei is a fast tool for configurable targeted scanning based on templates offering massive extensibility and ease of use. Naabu : Naabu is a port scanning tool written in Go that allows you to enumerate valid ports for hosts in a fast and reliable manner.
Shuffledns : ShuffleDNS is a wrapper around massdns written in go that allows you to enumerate valid subdomains using active bruteforce, as well as resolve subdomains with wildcard handling and easy input-output support. Dnsprobe : DNSProbe is a tool built on top of retryabledns that allows you to perform multiple dns queries of your choice with a list of user supplied resolvers. Windows educational educational for windows educational for windows 7 educational games educational games for windows.
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This feature is usually used by a hacker to bring down a network. NetStumbler is a hacking tool which is used in the Windows Operating system and comes with add ons which are used to hack a wireless network. Nmap or Network Mapper is a free open source utility tool for network discovery and security auditing solution for you. It is a flexible, powerful, portable and easy-to-use tool that is supported by most of the operating systems like Linux, Windows, Solaris, Mac OS and others.
It is an multi-functional application that is designed for scanning TPC port. This is also a pinger and address resolver. There is no need of installation as it is a portable application. It is a fast port and IP address scanner.
It is a lightweight and cross-platform application that has the capacity to scan the IP addresses in any range and also in their ports. It simply pings each IP address. Here are some packet crafting tools. Earlier Hping was used as a security tool. You can use this for Firewall testing, advance port scanning, network testing by using fragmentation, TOS and different other protocols.
It is a powerful and interactive packet manipulation program. Scapy has the capability to decode or forge the packets of a large number of protocols at a time. One of the best feature is that it can confuse the process of decoding and interpreting. Netcat is a simple Unix utility program.
This program has the capability to read and write data across network connections and it does so by using UDP or TPC protocol. It was created as a reliable back-end tool.
Not all the network protocols are powerful. In order to take advantage of the weakness of certain network protocols Yersinia is created.
It is a full-proof framework that analyzes and tests the deployed networks and systems. It is a command-line crafting and injecting utility tool used for network packets. This program works for both Unix and Windows operating systems. This is again a command-line based utility tool.
It has the capability to establish a two bidirectional byte streams through which it transfers data. In this tool streams can be constructed from a large set of different data sinks. If you want to convert your data into powerful insights Splunk tools are the best options for you. The Splunk tools are the leading platforms for operational intelligence. It can collect any type of data from any machine in real time. Nagios is the name for the industry standard in monitoring IT infrastructure.
The Nagios tools helps you monitor your entire IT infrastructure and have the capability to detect problems well ahead they occur. It can also detect security breaches and share data availability with stakeholders.
It is versatile passive tool that is used for OS fingerprinting. This passive tool works well in both Linux and Windows operating systems. Ngrep or network grep is a pcap-aware tool that allows you to extend hexadecimal or regular expressions in order to match it against the data loads of the packet. These tools help capture and analyze incoming traffic on your website. Some of the popular ones are listed below. If you want to put a security system, Wireshark is the must have security tool.
It monitors every single byte of the data that is transferred via the network system. If you are a network administrator or penetration tester this tool is a must have. Tcpdump is a command-line packet analyzer. After completing the designated task of packet capturing Tcpdump will throw the report that will contain numbers of captured packet and packets received by the filter.
The user can use flags like —v, -r and —w to run this packet analyzer tool. It is comprehensive suite in the middle of the attack. It has the feature of sniffing the live connections and content filtering along with many other interesting tricks. It offers three interfaces, traditional command line, GUI and Ncurses.
Dsniff is the collection of various tools that are used for penetration testing and network auditing. The tools like dsniff, msgsnarf, mailsnarf, webspy and urlsnarf passively monitor a network of interesting data like files, emails, passwords and many others.
This interactive tool graphically displays network activity. Web Proxies: Proxies fundamentally assist in adding encapsulation to distributed systems. The client can request an item on your server by contacting a proxy server. It supports both viewing and editing HTTP messages on-the-fly. It is supported by Unix and Windows systems. There are some other features as well like client certificate, spiders, proxy chaining and many others. It is free web debugging proxy tool that can be used for any browser, platforms or systems.
A passive and semi-automated application which is essentially a security audit tool. It can accurately detect and annotate problems in web 2. It has the capability to hijack HTTP traffic on the network in a transparent manner. This is a directory and file integrity checker. It is a directory and file integrity checker that helps in creating a database using the regular expression rules that it finds from the config files.
This tool also supports message digest algorithms and file attributes like File type, Permissions, Inode, Uid, Gid and others. Firewalls: Firewalls monitor and control network traffic. A firewall is the quintessential security tool used by novices and tech experts alike. Here are a few of the best ones for hackers:. Netfilter offers softwares for the packet filtering framework that works within the Linux 2. The softwares of Netfilter help in packet mangling including packet filtering along with network address and port translation.
Here is a list of a few:. It’s a reconnaissance web application security tool. Some of it’s features are dictionary-based probes and recursive crawls. A website’s sitemap is eventually annotated for security assessments. This tool is designed in such a way that it helps in brute-forcing web applications.
Wfuzz can be used for finding resources but it does not play any role in finding the links like directories, servlets, scripts and others. It has multiple injection points and allows multi-threading. Wapiti is a web application vulnerability scanner that allows you to audit the security of the web applications that you are using.
It is a web application attack and audit framework that helps in auditing any threat that the web application experiences. This framework is built on Python and is easy-to-use and can be extended.
It is licensed under GPLv2. These tools are used for computer forensics, especially to sniff out any trace of evidence existing in a particular computer system. Here are some of the most popular. It is an open source digital intervention or forensic tool kit. This is a Linux based incident response system. It is also used in system investigation and analysis along with data recovery and security auditing.
The most recent version of this tool is based on Ubuntu that promises ease of use and stability. It is an open source forensic and intelligence application. It can be used for gathering information in all phases of security related work.
It saves you time and money by performing the task on time in smarter way. Encase is the fastest and most comprehensive network forensic solution available in the market. It is created following the global standard of forensic investigation software. It has the capability of quickly gathering data from wide variety of devices. These tools are utilized for reverse engineering binary files for writing exploits and analyzing malware. The unique feature of this debugger enables the user to see what is happening inside one program while it is being executed or check a program at the moment of crash.
It’s a powerful debugger for analyzing malware. It’s unique features include an advanced user interface with heap analysis tool and function graphing.
Other Hacking Tools: Besides the aforementioned tools, there are myriad of hacking tools used by hackers. It is a featured network utility tool. It is a reliable back-end tool that can be easily and directly driven by other scripts and programs.
It is a tracert or IP tracking tool that displays the path of internet packets through which it traversed to reach the specific destination.
It identifies the IP address of each hop along the way it reaches the destination. It is the tracing tool that helps the user to know the time that the data packets took to reach the host. This is an online application where you just need to place the host name or IP address and fetch the result.
It is a complete searching and indexing system that is used for a domain or internet. It works in both Linux and Windows system. It however does not replace the internet-wide search systems like Google, Infoseek, AltaVista and Lycos.
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This passive tool works well in both Linux and Windows operating systems. Vulnerability management is one of the best security practices to protect the system or a network from security threats. It also has the capacity to infer whether a non beaconing network is present or not via the data traffic in the network and a network is identified by this tool by collecting data packets passively, detecting hidden and standard named networks. Other Hacking Tools: Besides the aforementioned tools, there are myriad of hacking tools used by hackers. Nessus is a proprietary vulnerability scanner created by Tenable Network Security. JS : Scanning website for vulnerable js libraries. It is a web application attack and audit framework that helps in auditing any threat that the web application experiences.
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