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Download Quake 4 for free on PC – this page will show you how to download Once the installation is complete, you can now launch the game. Quake 4 is an Action / Shooting video game. System Requirements. Minimum OS: Windows /XP CPU: Intel Pentium 4@ GHz. RAM: Quake 4, free and safe download. Quake 4 latest version: The fourth episode of the classic Quake game.


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Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Your Store Your Store. Categories Categories. Special Sections. Player Support. Community Hub. Quake 4. RavenSoft , id Software. Bethesda Softworks. Recent Reviews:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Languages :. Publisher: Bethesda Softworks. Franchise: Quake.

Share Embed. Read Critic Reviews. Add to Cart. Bundle info. Add to Account. View Community Hub. About This Game Developed in by Raven Software in collaboration with id Software, Quake 4 is a narrative-driven, sci-fi, military-style first-person shooter and direct sequel to Quake II that also includes arena-style multiplayer modes.

Features Experience the direct sequel to Quake II in this narrative-driven campaign. Upgrade and wield an arsenal of advanced weaponry as you battle the Strogg army. Tear through the Strogg ranks with mechanized walkers and hover tanks. See all. View all. Click here to see them. But enough about Quake 4’s multiplayer For now anyway.

Because, my frag-frenzied friend, unlike its predecessor, Quake 4 isn’t being sold as a multiplayer game. They moaned and they complained -then went off and made some tea – then they came back and moaned some more.

And so, in an attempt to alleviate their bleating, and in an effort to bring the best parts of Quake II and III into one unified all and all-conquering whole, id and Raven decided a return to the single-player campaigns of yore to complement what is undoubtedly the purest deathmatch experience in the known universe.

Including Wigan town centre on a Saturday night. Yes, that pure. So, what’s the single-player game like? What follows is a rampaging ride of destruction, punctuated by periods of exposition and some slick cut-scenes that build the tension and raise the stakes ever higher as the campaign progresses, while a surprising plot twist halfway through adds some extra spice.

Your adventure is further enhanced by the stupendous Doom 3 engine, which makes your dark, sinister surroundings look more drop-dead gorgeous than Elie McPherson on a bed of cold meats, though admittedly, outdoor areas are still a problem. Pie physics are also almost beyond reproach, conveying a true sense of weight and realism to Quake 4’s alien world, despite the occasionally erratic tumble taken by a felled opponent.

As for the combat it’s also a winner. Visceral, intense, challenging Every bit the blood-caked battlefield we’d hoped it would be.

From the opening mission to the final titanic confrontation, your trigger skills are tested to breaking point, especially on the higher difficulty levels that’ll have even the most hardened FPS-nut pounding his or her fists in frustration. Straight from the off, you’re submerged into a world that genuinely looks and sounds like a warzone.

Incessant, panicked radio chatter from other strike teams bursts through your headphones, and new orders filter down from command HQ as you scythe your way through wave after wave of pug-ugly nasties. Medics and technicians heal you and restore your armour – perhaps a little too often if truth be told – while certain specialists even beef up your weapons and make them more powerful and versatile.

The feeling of isolation so prevalent in Doom 3 is nowhere to be seen, with solo missions often morphing into team-based affairs, pitting you and Al-controlled comrades atjainst overwhelming enemy forces. Plus, with a well-judged soundtrack -satisfyingly booming effects beefing up the atmosphere still further – you’re never in any doubt that this is a world at war.

Of course, all the atmosphere in the world is for nothing if a shooter’s Al isn’t up to scratch; and while Quake 4 is unlikely to win any awards for this, it doesn’t disappoint either. Strogg grunts in particular, harness their surroundings with lifelike intelligence, resulting in subtly strategic firefights as you and your Al-controlled comrades take cover and play cat and mouse against an equally ensconced enemy.

And while other enemies’ more direct, head-on attacks aren’t so impressive, there’s just about enough variation for things never to get too stale during the six to ten hours it’ll take I to complete the game. Top bad guy billing must go to the much-vaunted Gladiator, a towering warrior armed with a shouldermounted laser and an energy shield, who’s so mean he’d probably spit his lead fillings at you if he thought they’d do you some damage.

These boys are no easy kill – especially once their shield is up – and without lashings of skill and speed you’ll soon wear the reload key down to a stump. Quake 4’s collection of mammoth health bar-toting bosses are somewhat of a disappointment, though.

Brilliantly introduced through ever rising tension and lush cut-scenes, the majority of them turn out to not only be less intelligent than a garden rake but also incredibly easy to dispose of. And let’s not forget the much-vaunted, all-new vehicular sections, which see you either manning stationary weapons while someone else takes the wheel, or piloting the likes of hover tanks and walkers. What are they like? Well, I’m sorry to say, they’re also a bit of a letdown.

Despite these sections’ obvious appeal, they’re likely to leave you flatter than a catwalk model’s chest that’s just had a nasty encounter with a trouser press. They just feel as though they’ve been lifted straight out of a console game – more Halo than Quake – and as a result are often little more than mik entertaining distractions that break up the on-foot shootouts. So, despite a few shortfalls, everything you’d expect and wish for from a singleplayer Quake campaign is here.

Frenetic action: check. Huge end-of-level bosses: check. Lots of satisfying weaponry: check. Zombies: check. Yup, it’s all there. Then of course there are the staples of any modern day FPS.

Vehicular combat: check. Scripted moments that depict the hideous deaths of your comrades: check. Ambient conversations between periphery characters that fill in background information: check. Again, all there. So why is it, despite all this, I can’t help but feel that Quake 4’s solo campaign is fundamentally lacking something? Perhaps it’s because there’s such a fine line these days between harking back to past glories through intelligently-judged homage, and blatantly recreating what’s come before; Quake 4 never even comes close to pushing any FPS boundaries.

Beneath the high production values, lashings of veneer and excellent combat, the single-player campaign feels incredibly derivative. Why – for example years after the birth of the FPS, are we still being dished up scores of strategically positioned exploding barrels, and bosses with health bars over their heads that are easier to outsmart than a toddler? What’s more, it’s a sad day when one of the founding fathers of the PC first-person shooter genre is watered down with console-style vehicular sections, simply because they bare a resemblance to Halo and therefore are very likely to appeal to the Xbox market.

This propensity to imitate rather than innovate doesn’t make Quake 4 a bad game – far from it in fact – but it does make it a lesser game than it could and should have been. Which brings me back to multiplayer -the part of this package that really shines, standing out like a beacon of such brilliance that most other deathmatch and CTF, TDM and Last Man Standing experiences are dazzled into submission. The new levels are masterfully created, each one requiring a subtly different approach than the next, while never losing the exhilaration factor.

And if that’s not enough, there’s even a return for a few old favourites such as DM17 Sure, you could argue it’s much the same as Quake III, but the point here is that no-one else does pure seat-of-your-Y-fronts deathmatching quite like Quake.

By all means, enjoy the single-player game, marvel at its visuals, groan at its cliches and enjoy its firefights. However, I can guarantee that six months from now, as you fly through the air firing rockets and screaming in rage in an attempt to take out that railgunning bastard who’s just fried your brains five times in quick succession -while all around bodies explode into a thousand blood-caked giblets – you’ll have forgotten all about it That’s the beauty of deathmatch.

That’s the beauty of J A Quake 4. For the most part, Quake 4’s weapons are exactly the same as Quake Ill’s, although they have all had a makeover. Disappointingly, there’s still no secondary fire option for any of them, which has to go down as an opportunity missed.

Old favourites like the lightning gun, plasma rifle, rocket launcher and rail gun make a welcome return, and the gauntlet has been replaced by a pistol with infinite ammo in the singleplayer game – though thankfully not in multiplayer. However, receiving the biggest welcome back! Still, perhaps the best weapon idea in Quake 4 is also the game’s simplest.

In single-player, only your two weakest weapons are fitted with a torch. Given the shadow-filled nature of the game, that leaves you with rather an interesting choice. Light and a crap weapon, or darkness and a powerful one? The decision is yours.

Well Friends here it is. Quake Oh-Four. In many ways, the game I’ve been waiting for my entire career. How do you do it justice? The world’s first look no less! I wanted to start with a great Quake anecdote, relating one of the moments that made this series so special – but after several failed attempts, I realised it was futile.

No single moment can encapsulate the enormity of pleasure brought to us over the years by the name Quake. Think about it a second – if you’ve ever been a fan, the sublime gaming memories will soon form a flood. The first time you played a ‘true’ 3D game. The sound of a Deathknight’s sword clanging against stone. Your first rocket jump. The exultant ‘ker-ching’ as you grabbed the red armour. Q2dm1: The Edge. Perfect railgun shots across the reaches of space. Q2dm1: The Longest Yard. Mods: Lithium, Action, Jailbreak, Painkeep.

The Quad Damage, the nailgun, the lava traps. The Shambier. To my mind, it’s the greatest series of games ever created, and it’s sure as hell the one that’s stolen most of my waking hours over the years not to mention sleep – Quake dreams are a common sign of addiction.

To me, Doom 3 was always just going to be a warm-up, a chance to break in the new generation of technology, iron out any problems and pave the way for the main event Quake Eye-Vee. But what is this new Quake? Up till now, all we’ve known is that Raven is developing it, which is good news – it’s made some of the best shooters of all time. We also know that it uses the Doom 3 engine: this may be obvious, but again it’s good news, despite some concerns about numbers of enemies on-screen.

There’s also been mumblings that the game will be singleplayer focused, with only minimal effort put into multiplayer, but it’s never really been clarified. Clearly, we need some hard answers, and luckily, Raven is finally ready to spill the beans.

We’re using the Doom 3 tech, so you know that we’ll deliver an amazing experience, with both stunning visuals and heart-pounding, intense gameplay. You take the role of a marine in a massive invasion of the Strogg home world, where you experience the war while fighting alongside the huge marine invasion force – as well as on your own in some cases.

Multiplayer akin to Quake III? Hallelujah and praise to all things good. We’ve got hyper-fast action, deadly weapons, bounce pads, trick moves – you name it.

Die-hard fans will feel right at home. So let me get this straight. Quake IV is the sequel to both Q2 and Q3, revisiting the Strogg vs Marine storyline on the one hand and following-up the best i deathmatch game of all time on the other? That’s one hell of a task, surely, even for a team of Raven’s calibre.

Admittedly, FPS developers used to create full single- and multiplayer components as a matter of course, but with today’s development requirements, it’s getting increasingly unmanageable. How, you might ask, does Raven hope to do both sii the game justice? The answer is simple enough. First, the company is building on familiar gameplay rather than starting from scratch – so don’t expect the same kind of decisive innovation we saw in Quake III: Arena.

And second, the engine and tools came ready-built by id, with everything down to physics and vehicle code already in place. As Johnson says: “The Doom 3 tech provided us with many of the fundamental systems straight out of the box, so to speak. Plus, on top of that there’s been a lot of involvement from id Software along the way – they would find the best way to do something and pass that info on to us. It saved us a lot of time, so most of our work has been towards the creation of Quake IV itself.

All well and good. But in some ways this raises another oft-voiced concern among fans: with the development of the two games being so closely intertwined, are Doom 3 and Quake IV at risk of overlapping? So, discounting multiplayer for a moment, what, exactly, is the difference? Rick Johnson: “Well, Quake IV is more like an intense action movie to Doom 3’s horror movie feel,” explains the ursine coder. After the hopeless one-man battle against the Strogg in Quake II – where your lone space marine got isolated from the main and inevitably doomed assault force when his spaceship crash-landed – this time you’re bringing the cavalry.

You can read in the screenshots some hints of what this could mean: squads of marines fighting waves of hideous gladiators, dogfights in the skies over Stroggos A proper, bloody, war of the worlds. It’s a bit early to tell for sure, but Raven could well be attempting to marry the intensity of a Call Of Duty with the scale and vehicles of a Halo.

Which is a winner in anyone’s books. According to the storyline of course, the Strogg were pretty much defeated at the end of Quake II.


[Download quake 4 full pc game

Quake IV Free Download PC game in a pre-installed direct link. Download the game instantly and play without installing. Buy Quake Collection Bundle BUNDLE (?) · About This Game. Developed in by Raven Software in collaboration with id Software, Quake 4 is a narrative-driven. Quake 4, free and safe download. Quake 4 latest version: The fourth episode of the classic Quake game.