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If you do not have Composerfollow the windos in the Installing Yii section of the definitive guide to install it. The command installs the advanced application in a directory named yii-application. You can choose a different directory name if you want. It uses asset-packagist for managing bower and npm package dependencies through Composer. Also you can use asset-pluginas in earlier versions, but it works slowly.

Extract the archive file downloaded from yiiframework. After you install donload application, you have to conduct the following steps to initialize the installed application. You only need to do these once for download yii for windows. Open a console terminal, execute the init dosnload and select dev as environment. Despite stating that a confirmation email yiii download yii for windows sent, the default settings for the mailer prevents the sending of a real email.

Either open this file with a mail client such as Outlook or Odwnload, or use a text editor to retrieve the URL which is used to confirm the User creation. The URL will need to be modified to remove the quoted printable encoding before pasting it in your browser. Paste this URL into a browser tab to complete the User creation. You will be presented with the message: Your email has been confirmed! You are now automatically logged in to fof frontend application.

The same credentials can читать больше be источник to login http://replace.me/16399.txt download yii for windows backend application. That’s all. You just need to wait widows completion! After that you can access project locally by URLs:. Open terminal cmd. You can read here how to change directories in command prompt.

Docker download yii for windows creates a DNS entry for the host mysql available from your backend and frontend containers. If you want to use another database, such a Postgres, uncomment the corresponding section in docker-compose. For more information about Docker setup please visit the guide. Yii 2 Advanced Project Template. Version 2. Directories Predefined path aliases Applications Configuration and environments.

Creating links from backend to frontend Adding more applications Больше на странице advanced project template at shared hosting. Go to Top. Difference from basic project template.


Getting Started: Installation | The Definitive Guide to Yii | Yii PHP Framework – Yii Framework & Offline Documentation


For more information about Docker setup please visit the guide. Yii 2 Advanced Project Template. Version 2. Directories Predefined path aliases Applications Configuration and environments.

Creating links from backend to frontend Adding more applications Using advanced project template at shared hosting.

Go to Top. Difference from basic project template. The demos and requirements folders will need to be placed into a Web-accessible directory so that they can be accessed in your browser. The framework folder can be placed securely elsewhere, so long as the application’s entry script php file contains the correct path to yii.

The Definitive Guide to Yii 1. Version 1. Installation Requirements User Contributed Notes. What is Yii. Go to Top. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again.

Note that Yii 1. This allows you to keep your servers PHP version up to date in the environments where old Yii 1. Currently tested and supported up to PHP 8. Please make sure the release file is unpacked under a Web-accessible directory. You shall see the following files and directories:.

Yii comes with a command line tool called “yiic” that can create a skeleton Yii application for you to start with. You can access it with the following URL:. This means that you can use Yii for free to develop either open-source or proprietary Web applications. There are two ways to install Yii: by using Composer or by downloading an application template. We highly recommend you to use Composer. If you do not have Composer installed yet, you may install it following the instructions on the Composer website.

Latest release is 2. Choose one of the application templates to start installing Yii 2.


Download yii for windows

WebMay 28,  · We may install the Yii PHP framework in two ways: by using Composer or by downloading an archive file. The composer method is superior since it allows you to . WebApr 19,  · Download. MB. free. Yii Framework allows you to create web applications using PHP language ina fast way. Avoid difficult and annoying combos and . WebYI Home Portal for PC and MAC. The YI Home PC and MAC Portal lets you view seamlessly live and cloud footage from all your YI Cameras. Your motion or sound .


GitHub – yiisoft/yii: Yii PHP Framework x


You can install Yii in two ways, using the Composer package manager or by downloading an archive file. The former is the preferred windowss, as it allows you to install new extensions or update Yii by simply running a single command.

Standard installations of Yii result in both the framework and a project template being downloaded and installed. A project template is a working Yii project implementing some basic features, download yii for windows as login, contact form, etc.

Its code is organized in a recommended way. Therefore, it can serve as a good starting point for your projects. In this and the next few sections, we will describe how to install Yii with the so-called Basic Project Template and how to implement new features download yii for windows top of this template.

Yii also provides another aindows called the Advanced Project Template downloadd is better used in a team development environment to develop applications with multiple tiers. It differs from the Advanced Project Template mainly in how their code is organized. If you are new to Yii, we strongly recommend you stick to the Basic Project Template for its simplicity yet sufficient functionalities. If you do not already have Composer installed, you may do so by following the instructions at getcomposer.

On Windows, you’ll download and run Composer-Setup. Please refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Composer Documentation if you encounter any problems. If you are new to Composer, we also recommend to read at least the Basic usage section of the Composer documentation. In this guide all composer commands assume you have installed composer globally so that it is available as the composer command.

If you are using the composer. If you had Composer already installed before, make sure you use an up to date version. You can update Composer by running composer self-update.

The number of download yii for windows depends on the number of dependencies your application has and may be bigger than the Github API rate limit.

On fast connections you download yii for windows hit this limit earlier than Composer can handle so we recommend to configure the access token before installing Yii. Please refer to download yii for windows Composer documentation about Github API tokens for instructions on how to do this.

With Composer installed, you can install Yii application template by running the following command under a Web-accessible folder:.

This will install the latest stable version of Yii application template in a directory named basic. You can choose a different directory name if you want. Info: If the composer create-project download yii for windows fails you may also refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Composer Documentation for common errors. When you have fixed the error, you can resume the aborted installation by running composer update inside of the basic directory.

Tip: If you want to install the latest development version of Yii, you may use the following command instead, which adds a stability option :.

Note that the development download yii for windows of Yii should not be used for production as it may break your нажмите для продолжения code. The above installation instructions show how to install Yii, приведенная ссылка also creates a basic Web application that works out of the box.

Downolad approach is a good starting point for most widows, either small or big. It is especially download yii for windows if you just start learning Yii.

This can be achieved either by usage of asset-packagist. Please refer to Assets documentation for more details. In order to prevent assets installation via Dowlnoad, download yii for windows the following lines to your ‘composer. Note: in case of bypassing asset installation via Composer, you are responsible for the assets installation and resolving version collisions. Be prepared foe possible inconsistencies among asset files from different extensions. After installation is done, either configure your web server see next section or use the built-in PHP web server by running the following console command while in the project root directory:.

However if that port is already in use or you wish to serve multiple applications download yii for windows way, you might want to specify what port to use. Just add the –port argument:. You should see the above “Congratulations! If not, please check if your PHP installation satisfies Yii’s requirements.

You can check if downloxd minimum requirements are met using one of the following approaches:. You should configure your PHP installation so that it meets the minimum requirements of Yii. Most importantly, you should have PHP 5. Ideally latest PHP 7. Info: You may skip this subsection for now if you are just test driving Yii with no intention of deploying it to a production server. Yii 2. You may also want to hide index.

In this subsection, you’ll learn how to configure your Apache or Nginx server to achieve these goals. Denying access to those other folders is a security improvement. Info: If your application will run in a shared hosting environment where you do not have permission to modify its Ссылка server configuration, you may still download yii for windows the downlowd of your application for better security. Please refer to the Shared Hosting Environment источник for more details.

Info: If you are running your Yii application behind a reverse proxy, you might need to configure Trusted proxies and headers in the wndows component. Use the following configuration in Apache’s httpd. When using this configuration, you should also set cgi. Here is a sample configuration. You can also set up your PHP environment or supply a custom php. In that web folder you have to place a file named web. Content of the file should be the following:. Found a typo or you think this page needs improvement?

Edit it on github! The Definitive Guide to Yii 2. Version 2. What do you need to know. Go to Top. Running Applications. User Contributed Notes 1. Leave a comment. Signup or Login in order to comment.