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That winter the wind blows ep 16 eng sub free download

WebApr 30, · That Winter, The Wind Blows ep K Views30/04/ OhSoo decides to impersonate Oh Young’s lost brother in order to get enough money to repay a . WebSep 04, · Download That Winter The Wind Blows Sub Indo. Sinopsis that winter, the wind blows: Oh soo mempunyai masa lalu yang rumit dimana ia dibuang oleh . WebThat Winter, The Wind Blows ep 1. K ViewsApr 30, OhSoo decides to impersonate Oh Young’s lost brother in order to get enough money to repay a debt. But, as the story .
That winter the wind blows ep 16 eng sub free download
Menu All. Sign In. New Customer? Create account. Episode guide. The story of Oh Soo, a well known gambler and that of Oh Young, the blind heiress of a large corporation. Oh Soo decides to impersonate Oh Young’s lost that winter the wind blows ep 16 eng sub free download in order to get enough money t Read all The story of Oh Soo, a well known gambler and that of Oh Young, the blind heiress of suv large corporation.
Oh Soo decides to impersonate Oh Young’s lost brother in order to get enough money to repay a debt. But, as the story goes, his initial interest in money turns into love. See more at IMDbPro. Episodes Browse episodes. Top Жмите. Photos Top cast Edit. Zo In-sung Oh Soo. Song Hye-Kyo Oh Young. Kim Bum Park Jin-sung. Eun-ji Jung Moon Hee-sun. Chong-ok Bae Wang Hye-ji. Kim Tae-woo Jo Moo-chul. Seo Hyo-Rim Jin So-ra. Jae Woo Lee Oh Soo.
Yoo Gun Jung-woo. Soo-jin Kyung Moon Hee-jo. More like перейти. Storyline Edit. Did you know Edit. User reviews winv Review. Featured review. The story is interesting at times but maybe even uncomfortable due to the “sibling” relationship. The crying at one point from Young felt a little forced and honestly repeated. But overall it’s ok. I recommend you watch it slowly and maybe and not too many episodes at one cause That winter the wind blows ep 16 eng sub free download can see how it can get tiring.
Details Edit. Release date February 13, South Korea. Ссылка на продолжение Korea.
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[That winter the wind blows ep 16 eng sub free download
I didn’t really understand the ending. A Drama that will never be forgotten. Very well made ending. Jin Sung murders? MDL v6. Feeds Calendar Articles Trailers. TV Shows. Edit this Page Edit Information. Young has had surgery. Was it successful? Can she see? Is Oh Soo alive or is he dead? Will Young and Soo meet again? Source: Netflix. Aired: April 04, Previous Episode. New Topic.
New Reaction. SenahB 4 people found this review helpful. Other reviews by this user. Apr 5, While she was in the taxi she felt the wind rushing throught the trees, thats why she told the taxi driver to stop the car, she wanted to walk because she wanted to feel the breeze. That made me think about the episode when they were up in the mountains, i recall oh soo told her that even when he’s not around, every time the wind will blow will always be with her or something in this direction.
Another obvious thing was the discussion between jin sung and jung eun, they were obviously reffering to his grave About the wang discussion, i think wang told her that soo died 20 days ago, after her chimio was over, because she didnt want to give up on her chimio because of the sad news The whole premise of this drama was about a woman who wanted to die and a man who wanted to live, so im guessing this outcome makes sense.
But more than anything, i belive the writers left an open ending on pourpose, they wanted to allow the viewers to come up with their own interpretation of the ending. Nevertheless, was a great drama and im plan on re-watching it anytime soon. Ill miss it so much :D. I wanted to clear some things up for you, because I also had my doubts about whether Soo died or not at first. For me, it’s because I only read the recap, and I really thought Young was only imagining it.
But after watching the episode for myself and listening to the dialogue, it’s obvious that Soo is alive. When Hee Sun and Jin Sung were debating which flowers to give “Soo”, they either meant to give flowers to Young’s real brother Oh Soo’s grave, or they wanted to bring flowers to Soo’s new shop because they feel bad for Jin Sung’s betrayal. Also, Jin Sung was actually about to stab Soo a second time, but couldn’t bring himself to do it, so he dropped the knife. Therefore, I think that one stab wasn’t enough to kill Soo.
Another BIG factor as to why the last scene is not a depiction of heaven, or Young’s imagination, is because the conversation between Soo and Young in that cafe is waaay too elaborate to be fake. If it was Young’s imagination, why did she have to make it so that Soo only shows himself to her after a year? What would be the point of having that conversation of how Soo told Wang to not tell Young about his whereabouts until she was done chemo?
It can’t be heaven either, because they would’ve just MET each other. But no, Young frequently visited Soo’s cafe, hears the bell on his bracelet and yet Soo doesn’t reveal to her that it’s him until much later. But she didn’t, her vision is only recovering, thus the blurry images. I don’t blame people for being suspicious though. This happy ending is actually way too perfect to be realistic, and these characters definitely lucked out to be able to survive in a melodrama.
But I’m just so thankful. I’m one of those people who would rather have a happy ending than a realistic one. Anyway, if that isn’t enough to convince you, in an interview with Song Hye Gyo, she confirmed that it was a happy ending and both characters were alive. But I definitely agree that first, Young is alive.
Her scene at the coffee shop was too prosaic. And we see her see the boy’s hand and pat it. And second, Soo is alive because, as you say, picklemonster, they have too prosaic a conversation. If it’d been left with Soo on a bicycle, then I’d have leaned towards him being dead. But he interacts with too many people and objects to be a ghost or a memory. Oh and I forgot to add. Song Hye Gyo also said in the interview that the ending scene filmed in Young’s perspective was blurry because they didn’t want to give RP patients false hope, since those diagnosed with RP will not ever regain back their sight fully.
So in a sense, this ending was a miracle painted in the most idealistic way possible. Love it! One thing the show did really, really right I thought was its depiction of blindness. They didn’t treat it as a “melodrama disease” with over exaggerated helplessness or what have you.
Thanks for your input on what was said by the actors about the finale coz I was confused and I wanna be happy. I wait patiently for the show and the recap for every episode. I even watched the rerun on the weekends. Because I could relate to Oh Young’s character.
It did difficult to play blind person who has to display lots of deep scars and emotion. I think she managed them well on most of the episodes, so kudos to her. It is only 16 episodes.
But, on the other hand, how many times did we complain that some dramas never need extension and they just dragged toooooooooo damn long? Sometimes you can’t explain your heart.
And this is what happening to me now. I have all the reasons to have this drama, yet I love it and I enjoy it. Thank you all, and thank you HeadsNo2 for your recaps. I will miss this drama One of the least enjoyable finales av ever watched! Seriously I kept fast forwarding cuz there was nothing intriguing. And I know kdramas are all about redemption and forgiveness but pls not Secretary Wang, r u kidding me?!
It’s even weirder cuz 2 eps ago lawyer ahjussi was angrily throwing her out asking her if she’s human and all and then hey! Drama pls! Nothing made sense in this ending, i dare say a couple more deaths would have made it more believable, Oh Soo included! But thanks for the pretty and until the end am still team KKB, boy’s way too fine! And thanks for the recaps, u DB ladies are gold!
There are a bit of similarities between both shows which leads me to wonder what is it with the all the melodrama cliches? NHK stay true to the japanese drama, so the stabbing scene is actually in the jdrma version too, so I don’t think they just copied nice guy, maybe it’s the other way around.
It’s a remake so obviously the framework will be the same as the original. As far as stabbing goes I mean, there’s blunt force trauma, but it’s not exactly subtle. So any drama that shows someone trying to kill someone will probably involve a knife. I don’t recall Nice Guy’s best friend betraying him, though. And the “softy” villain wasn’t so much a softy as an audience fave. When he was taking MCW’s character to sell her into sex slavery But he had some charisma so that got brushed away at the end.
I frowny-faced at that, honestly. Though I did see the charm the actor brought to the role that was a little too fan-servicey for me. We did have two con-men though, that’s true. Which begs the question: who was the better at conning?
He kept his con going for a lot, lot longer. Also, the ladies he played never landed him in jail. Some people reasoned that the blurry scenes are from Young’s perspective, but these blurry scenes seem to occur only around Oh Soo. When she was with Secretary Wang, Lawyer Jang, and her ex-fiance with those blind kids, those scenes were not blurry. So, it makes me think that perhaps those scenes with Oh Soo were not real – maybe they respresent Young’s imagination or their “afterlife” together.
That scene jump from cafe to that path lined with cherry blossom trees was so abrupt and strange, kind of like how it would happen in dreams. But I guess in the end, what’s important is that they both reconciled and expressed their love to each other and whether they really lived or died didn’t matter to me. The beginning of this drama was so so so good!!! I’m disappointed though that it didn’t keep up toward the end.
But I can’t deny how much I enjoyed looking at these ridiculously good-looking couple. But the scenes with Lawyer Jang and all of them wasn’t from her perspective.
It’s at a drama’s standpoint. They shift into her perspective when she was in the cab and saw the cherry blossoms, that’s when the scene actually changed. Thank you for your recap and I totally agree with your comments! I really wanted to completely love this show and I did especially the the first third of the drama but the show just started going downhill for me in the last three episodes. Yes, we do get a happy ending but it felt completely unsatisfying and made me feel so disappointed.
Yes, my eyes feasted with those beautiful cherry blossom ending but I still felt robbed. Did the show sacrifice its potential just for fan service? Since it is a melo, I get that they don’t need to have everything tied into a neat happy ending. When I started watching I already accepted the fact that someone or even all of the lead characters might die. That “happy” ending felt so contrived for me. As folks already pointed out, I just don’t get why Sec.
Wang was forgiven so easily. Is that really the type of mommy dearest love we are supposed to buy into? And Soo saying that he made a mistake in ousting her?! I felt that the plot and the characterizations started to fall apart in the last episodes. I enjoyed the feisty and whiplash smart Young in the beginning of the show and then her character just went downhill with the suicide attempt.
Also, I don’t know what it is but there are those moment in the last episode where I know the show wants me to cry and be emotionally touched but it just didn’t do it for me, specifically when Jin Sung stabbed Soo. I think part of the problem lies with how the show quickly glossed over Jin Sung’s dilemma and there were also no explanations on how Soo all of a sudden is alive in the end.
Also, it’s not completely out of the blue, but I still don’t buy how all a sudden the show just turned Soo into a chef at the end?! It was only in the last episode where the drama hinted at how he likes to cook. Is he a chef and a painter at the end of the show?! The painter Soo was completely left off from the first episode.
Don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the show but I just feel disappointed because it could have been a great drama. I don’t think he’s a chef, but I do think he owns some kind of restaurant. He might cook too, but I didn’t strike me as anything fancy. As for Soo, I mean, dude got stabbed not shot. We have to keep in mind you can survive these things and it’s not completely out there.
He looked dead, but it’s possible he just went into shock I mean his best friend just stabbed him–I would be shocked as hell! I said above, that I hoped for a more straightforward ending bu that I’ll take this, too. I like that the characters are happy. The thing is, I really don’t think it was done for fanservice.
This is my third drama with this writer and it looks like she enjoys getting her characters to the lowest they can go sickness, almost dying and then having then come out unscathed and fine. Maybe this is how she sees redemption or growth. It’s not an explanation for anything, but it’s a thought. As for suicidal Young, it didn’t come as a shock to me.
I guess people thought she was really making headway but I felt like it was bound to happen. Maybe it was the timing in which it happened. If it was sooner rather than so close to the end, it would have sat in place better, narratively.
But sometimes! Nothing tells you, you want to live more than nearly dying. I’ve come to that after thinking a bit more but, she’s still not a character I will pretend to understand through and through, lol.
I think she is still smart, just that depression–or drama depression, even–doesn’t care about smartness. As for Secretary Wang, I wished she had stayed gone. I won’t try to understand that, just feel like many dramas have this thing with making even some of the foulest people redeemable or sympathetic in cases in which the person has a child or takes care of a child. I’ve watched it happen in quite a few dramas. Having Soo say he made a mistake is kind of the show telling everyone to forgive her.
And I’m just sitting around like “LOL, nah”. I didn’t think there were many loose ends or plot holes, but the last episode sure makes it seem like there was just because it was like fitting a bunch of things haphazardly in a suitcase in way.
It’ll fit, but it’s not exactly neat. The only thing I was actually left wondering was what happened to President Kim? I wonder, I wonder. But that’s really the only thing I wonder. I agree with you Canxi. For the most part, the drama did follow its story logic and the characters it created.
Even Wang’s redemption arc, though not something I agree with, was well supported within the story — it didn’t come out of nowhere. The one glaring weakness, for me, was the whole Jin-sung stabs Soo scene.
That broke from story-logic and build up for me. And is of a piece with the whole, what about Boss Kim? But, because Soo lived so the scene didn’t actually impact the storyline much, I just stick my fingers in my ears and lalala my way through that scene and I’ll add, I also agree that this wasn’t the writer pulling out a happy ending to please fans or because she couldn’t think of anything else.
Everything was so carefully built to that ending except for the stabbing scene that it felt planned to me. Indeed, I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees it this way. I don’t think anyone will be able to wrap their head around why Jin Sung did that. Maybe he felt like a cornered mouse or panicked.
But, bite the cat that corners you, don’t run and bite your mouse friend D’:. Maybe, he pulled a Moo Chul and was helping him in a way? But there was nothing to support that theory so it’s just Jin Sung doing something weird, lol. According to me oh yongi and oh so dead, and it is a utopian ending oh so. Superb for the writer can make the viewer confused and determine their own opinion about the end of the drama, Daebak!! Something that I disagree with Heads here is about the suicidal tendency of OY, in some of her recaps she said that she thinks OY has already get over it.
Well , some missing point that we need to understand OY is not only blind but psychologically is not stable. She lost her mom, brother and though secretary wang is there, she is controlling OY. So, the suicidal attitude has always been there and it takes months of treatment, so I can totally relate to OY each time she is going back and forth with the suicidal attempt or negativity towards life.
And why can’t she has a beautiful long hair after the brain surgery and chemo?. I did have a much more beautiful hair after my chemo and it takes me only 2 months to grow my hair.
I don’t care what others may feel about this drama, but from any dramas so far in , this is the only drama that artistically the best, directed the best and acted the best. He acted well but he still not converting me as one of his fans. I like it that some of you are sharing your personal experiences to help us better understand the characters in the drama. I guess they do look like people and act like people then. And I do wonder if everyone really takes the time to read all comments or just stay firm in their opinions no matter what?
I took the time to read Liera’s but I didn’t know how to respond. I wanted to say “Congrats on getting past that time in your life! But, since I am here. Congrats, Liera! And I guess we underestimate the rate at which human hair can grow.
I still don’t get this drama. I was so in love with it until that forced kiss and then it basically took a giant swing downhill.
None of the motivations made sense after that. Retinitis pigmentosa is not curable a disease. In fact, it’s degenerative.
So if we get a time leap, then we’re also fast forwarding the course of the disease So, being the med geek that I am, I am consoling myself with the thought that she had Stem Cell treatment that Noh Hee Kyung-nim didn’t have time to incorporate.
This doesn’t change the fact though that this show was sooooo purttty. Like it’s sometimes distracting. I’m glad that this was my first. The ending was so confusing. I loved how Kim Bum’s character broke out of his loyalty and had that crazed, red rimmed look after he stabbed Oh Soo That ending just confused me. Also, um. Moo Chul? I felt like he was significant but I guess This drama was beautiful and I no doubt loved it but the ending didn’t exactly get stupid, it just never explained itself..
I for one liked the ending. It had some surprises the biggest one that there was a happy ending. I glossed over a lot of the things a lot of people struggled with eg. Young’s hair, everyone’s fantastic health etc. The most important thing being that Soo was still standing at the end-would have hated that he died Young was still alive. It was a visually lovely show to watch. That said I think it lost me in episode 12 or 13 with Young’s funky character development and the insane troll logic medical stuff.
The promise of sizzle from early on in the show fizzled out too. There was never ever enough Kim Bum. I will have to agree to disagree on the ending. There is absolutely no reason to vague up a happy ending so yeah that was not a happy ever after ending. It was LOST season six. To me it appeared a cop out or a compromise how ever you want to go. The writer likely originally wrote a typical melo ending. Some power that be wanted a happy to make viewers happy. This vagued up messy ending was the compromise.
My take: Soo died. Old bad guy was not going to let him or JS walk away. If Soo survived the knifing old baddie would had everyone killed. Young made it thru surgery. No one told her Soo was dead. Eventually they did and she gave up and died. She’s in her version of the LOST holding pattern universe and she had to find her way to Soo, thus the center scene surrounded by people that she loves and makes her happy.
He was not quite ready hence she couldn’t see him until he was. Regarding Jin sung. No surprise there especially after MC was redeemed, shown to be running interference all along and Wang was let off the hook which was crud. JS to me was a consistent character.
He was always morally flexible as were most of these characters. But to me what he did made sense for the character.
He would have lived with it and never told hee Sun. However that hee Sun would not figure it out would not be consistent. So that combined with JS having to suffer watching hee Sun run thru flirtations equals he’s paying his betrayal dues so hello they are dead too. Maybe they are all waiting for Moo chul to show up. News flash he’s out in his tight pants and leather doing redemption deeds and looking for hee Sun’s sister.
It is what it is. It was a pretty ride that just got weird and choppy and bumpy the last four episodes. Note to self don’t do this on my kindle again it auto correct is a bitch.
It seems to me that the writer changes her mind many times regarding many aspects as she wrote the drama. The result is confused audience. Thank you so much for the recap! Ur comments cracked me up!!! My first reaction to the ending was Soo is dead and all is in Young’s head because I’m a sucker for apparently, the traditional melodrama ending – I’ve been so out of it, I didn’t know open ending or happy ending is an option!
One thing I’m going to disagree with you on Heads is the sentiment of Young’s suicide attempt being “merely” a cry for attention, because that’s what all suicide attempts are.
Young believes that the only option left for her at this point is to die, but as we’ve seen before she doesn’t really want to and a lot of people who attempt suicide don’t and is very scared of death. Her secretly hoping that Oh Soo would burst in and save her makes sense the only thing that made sense in this episode. It being a cry for help doesn’t make her suicide attempt less legitimate or fake in any way. I will agree with deducing opera, that in general, barring sacrificing yourself in a suicide ‘mission’ to save others, suicide is a big o’ hey look at me.
I will not claim expertise on this but I will say that I lost a family member to suicide. That said, I’ve never had a brain tumor killing me.
Very pretty to look at like a picture, but barely engaging and forgettable in the end. Blurry happy ending scenes are so cliche. Has anyone watched the japanese version? Really interested to check it out after watching ‘That winter’. The flowers suggested by MC are the favorite flowers of Oh young and her brother same with Oh soo. These flowers symbolize happines, wedding, and love. JS looked very sad at the point when he agreed to what Hee-sun suggested but the the face of JS was a type of confused or something that the director suggested for him to do to make us bewildered of what really had happened to Oh soo.
Oh young underwent surgery right? It doesn’t mean that after the surgery, she will immediately have an eyesight. It will probably take how many months before the eyesight will go back to normal condition. This explains that Oh young has the ability to see but not really clear.
Meaning, the surgery was successful and Oh young survived. The scenario with the child and sec wang of course was only a part of the scne that it should be clear. Do you think it is good to see a blurry drama scenes only because the main character is blind?
Oh soo waited for Oh young to recover 6 months. Oh young said. They promised that they will be seeing each other again. The cafe, the talking people, Soo dressed as a waiter. Dreaming should be kissing already or running while laughing, no real people will talk and if everything was all a dream then why not the director chose to have that scene be with Oh young and Oh soo only and no other people will be part of it and no other thing will included.
The flowers of MS and JS was at the table. If that was for Oh soo’s grave then why it is on the table? If Oh soo died, the flowers would be placed to a location where he died or to his favorite place or maybe where Oh young and Oh first met.
The kissing under the cherry tree was really true not a dream nor an imagination if it was an imagination, how cruel the mind of Oh youn was, it doesn’t make sense. If the story is fast forward, then it is possible that the end will be like that. Kiss symbolizes love and forgiveness. It was amazing because it is not really easy to write an open ended story and with so much twists. I salute the writer as well as Ju in sung and Oh young very well-acted characters.
I concluded. This is a happy ending. You brought up an interesting point for 1. And yeah, if you compare the movie ending, there were no people around. It was just the two of them, but in this ending, there were several others. I’ve caught myself saying, “WHAT??? There were just moments that I wanted to backtrack to check if I missed out anything, but just didn’t have the patience to go through the frustrations again.
Yes, the picture at the end was pretty. But it wasn’t clear how our characters survived the stabbing, surgery, and road accidents. Great work, Heads. Thank you. Thank you to the commenters, too.
You made viewing this beautiful drama scenes, actors and soundtracks even more memorable. There never is a straight ending in Kdramaland. It always leaves room for your interpretation, as shown here by the comments. I’m in dramaland and i want the happy ending of course. I wouldn’t be here if it always follows my logic.
Happy waiting for the next trip everyone. I wonder what it will be? Thank you, Heads. You’re the best. I would’ve found them to be highly problematic in any case, but the fact that that this was a Noh Hee Kyung drama deepened my disappointment exponentially. I’m certainly not an expert on NHK’s work– I’ve only seen a handful of her dramas. It’s as if she got fed up with pouring her heart and soul into writing dramas that weren’t very popular, and she watched a bunch of more conventional dramas like Nice Guy and said, “Hey– you want a slick, uber-intense, OTP-centric, not-necessarily-sensical melodrama full of PPL?
I can write one of those, too. I remember reading an interview with NHK from several years ago in which she said that her aim was to write characters whom viewers could understand and empathize with. So it kinda kills me to read HeadsNo2’s criticisms that I agree with, btw about often not being able to understand Young and other characters in this drama. Because more than any other k-drama writer I can think of, NHK is gifted at writing highly relatable, complex characters whom I understand.
And not just one or two per drama, but a whole cast full of them. At first, I thought it might be too boring it’s the opposite of TWTWB in terms of its lack of slickness and heightened intensity , and frankly, I couldn’t imagine myself getting terribly invested in most of the characters. But gradually, the characters grew on me, and their relationships touched me.
By the end, I was amazed at how, for virtually every character, NHK had managed to show the good, the bad, the ugly Watching that drama made me want to be sure not to take any of my loved ones for granted, to look for the good in each person, and to sing Kumbaya just kidding. Similarly, in Goodbye Solo, NHK gradually gets you into the head and the heart of each character– you may not like some of the characters or their actions, but you’ll understand where they’re coming from.
And you’ll realize how much we need one another in order to overcome our internal obstacles. So my expectation was that in TWTWB, we would end up at least being able to understand all of the main characters. Sadly, that wasn’t the case. Wang stands out for me because Bae Jong Ok was in a bunch of other NHK dramas, always as a fleshed-out character you could empathize with– but in TWTWB, she was a complex character who did something heinous which she was basically let off the hook for, yet the “why” of it all was never adequately explained to us.
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